Hydra LFO

Control utilities for Hydra visual synthesizer

Project maintained by oscons Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Hydra LFO » Functions » clip «  source: src/components/modifiers.js

clip - Clip a value between two thresholds

clip(u, l, s)
clip({u, l, s})

Allows you to ensure the values are within an aceptable range for the following operations.



A value in the range of [l, u] + o.


    L.set(L.time(), 'init')
        .map((x, {time}) => time - x)
        .map((x) => (10 - x)/10)

Other functions in Modifier functions:

Other categories:

Asynchronous functions - General Hydra LFO utility functions - Generator functions - Math related functions - Modifier functions - Time functions -

All functions reference on one page

Hydra LFO » Functions » clip